class GitHub { constructor() { // New objects will all carry the following information this.client_id = "1afcf0a689897066afba"; this.client_secret = "dfbc8bc5bb8c1877bf1bd93b80a299abb8a0fa4d"; this.repo_limit = 5; this.repo_sort = 'created: asc'; } async get_user(user) { // Get the data dump info from the user we looked up let profileResponse = await fetch(`${user}?client_id=${this.client_id}&client_secret=${this.client_secret}`); // Get the data dump repo info from the user we looked up let repoResponse = await fetch(`${user}/repos?per_page=${this.repo_limit}&sort=${this.repo_sort}&client_id=${this.client_id}&client_secret=${this.client_secret}`); // Convert the profile data to Json let profileUserData = await profileResponse.json(); // Convert the user's repo data to Json let profileRepos = await repoResponse.json(); // Send back the information as two separate Jsons return { profile: profileUserData, repos: profileRepos } } }